Granite PaversGranite pavers are formed from natural igneous rocks, which comprise of tough minerals such as feldspar, quartz and mica. Moreover, they come in various shapes and designs. Hence they are an ideal choice for indoor and outdoor paving projects.

Why you should opt for granite pavers

  • Low maintenance

Like most natural stones, granite pavers require little to no maintenance. The pavers only need an occasional rinse to maintain their elegant look and prolong their lifespan. However, if your granite paving is permeable, you may have to reseal the space between the joints or pull out weeds to keep them neat.

  • Extremely durable

In terms of durability, granite is one of the most resilient paving options. Granite rock is tough, durable and hard, and it is capable of withstanding extreme pressure from heavy traffic and load. This makes them ideal for walkways, driveways, patios and courtyards where high traffic is common.

  • Water-resistant

When shopping for the right materials for paving, you should always opt for pavers that are waterproof and weather-resistant. Granite is 100% water-resistant and slip-resistant when left unpolished. Considering this, you may install granite pavers around the edges of your swimming pools for enhanced safety.

  • Non-combustible

Fireplaces and barbecue pits require non-combustible paving to avoid the risk of house fires and related incidents. With this in mind, granite pavers are usually the ideal choice for such paving projects, given that they are 100% non-combustible.

  • Reusable

Another reason why many property owners prefer granite pavers is that they are easily reusable. In essence, you may uninstall your granite paving from one location and reuse it somewhere else without damaging the pavers.

  • Impressive finishes

Granite is available in various cuts, shapes, colours, patterns and finishes. You may place your order for custom finishes and colours ranging from pink to charcoal black. This makes granite pavers the perfect choice for building owners who would like to design their premises according to their style and preferences.

Choosing the best granite pavers

Selecting the ideal granite pavers for your paving projects entirely depends on your budget and needs. Some people prefer rounded, unpolished granite stones while others have a liking for flat paving with a rough texture. With that said, here are some of the most popular granite paving options you can choose.

Contact for Cinajus for high-quality granite pavers

Cinajus is your one-stop shop for all-natural stones and materials for your paving projects. We have a wide range of granite paving stones ideal for all types of projects. Whether you want to pave your fireplaces or your swimming pool areas, you can always rely on us for the best, high-quality granite pavers.


December 2019

Granite Pavers Sydney